Day 2: light winds, heavy fish

We don’t have lots of extra space on board so we have to make the most of what we have. We spent some time sorting out solutions for storing things that were lying around and noticed the fridge needed attention because it was defrosting itself. Ideally it should have been done before we filled it up with provisions but the to do list was long and it didn’t make the cut. Water is another important issue for this passage and Jon put together a water budget so we are sure we have enough to make it to Barbados. Kevin is offering up his shampoo water allowance and the girls are eager to trade. Plus, We are making attempts to wash dishes in salt water. On the whiteboard is a schedule for who is on watch when, who is charge of lunch and dinner and who is Mum for the day (the one who cleans, makes sure people pick up after each other and reminds everyone to drink water).

Kevin is making progress learning to use the sextant to figure our location (Jon teases him that we have GPS), so far it has mostly been settings, but he has promised to teach us how to use it. However first on the teaching list, is chess, but only if Mia can locate the missing pieces that ended up in the clear IKEA bag of LEGO…

Tina and Teo read for hours out of his General Knowledge book and then she taught us Ubongo, a puzzle game, which had us giggling and singing and counting in Spanish, hopefully this will be a regular occurrence! It’s fun to play puzzle games, we also have a new edition, River Crossing.

Night watches were uneventful and quite dark under the cloud cover. Orion came out to play for a bit but the moon hid behind the clouds mostly. We did however see lots of phosphorescent algae and the sea sparkled-gorgeous!

It was a quiet morning and Tina made banana bread, yum the boat smelled amazing! And not only was the coffee made but also porridge with pumpkin seeds and goji berries! Kevin and Jon pulled in a giant tuna, we think it was a “Skipjack Tuna”. There was a lot of action for a while and in the end, we have eight one-inch tuna steaks for dinner and that is after our sushi for lunch.

The wind has died on us and we were sailing mostly on broad reach this morning, and we are full winged now with just enough wind to sail by. We decided not to put the spinnaker up today, and we are looking forward to the wind that is on our forecast tomorrow.

Teo says, “so there are presents on this trip to the Caribbean and that’s cool, Over” and “the way to be cute is to eat lots of pasta of course” so now we know that.

6 thoughts on “Day 2: light winds, heavy fish

  1. It sounds wonderful! Very impressive tuna. Such a lot going on that the days will pass by so quickly. ENJOY it all.
    Lots of love, Mum and Dad

  2. HOLY MACKEREL !! that’s a good looking Tuna ๐Ÿ˜‰ . Well done boys – and I can see it was Teo who must have reeled it in. You have a super child on board. Well done captain J Wright and Mr T. xxxx Fi

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