Day 2

The log book for this day was a little schizophrenic. Engine on; engine off; engine on; engine off. In the end we only motored about 6 hours in the 24 hours of our Day 2 but it was very on off as the wind died and recovered. Most of the day was actually quite nice sailing.

It was a quiet day as everyone hadn’t slept well, it usually takes 3 days to get into the rhythm on a passage so days two and three usually happen in slow motion through a fog of sleep. Breakfast happened naturally as people got up and sorted themselves out, coffee flowed in large quantities. Lunch was prepared by Jon, frying up the Dorado fillets he caught the previous night (pro-tip – coat the fish in mayonnaise before frying for juicy goodness – thanks to Marta in Break Away for that one). We still had some potatoes from the first passage which needed to be used so they became a potato salad; wolfed down by all including Teo.

In the afternoon there was a torrential rain shower to prove we are clearly in the rainy season now but not a great deal of wind to go with it. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to put on a movie for those not on watch and given it was May the 4th (be with you) we rolled out Star Wars. Tina it turns out wasn’t sure if she had seen it before and Teo was more than happy to share the experience with her.

Dinner was a nice refreshing pasta salad prepared by Mia and as it got dark people retreated to their bunks to catch snippets of sleep before the night watches started again.

For those of you interested in finding our where we are, in near real time you can follow the link below.

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