Off to Lanzarote!

So unless the weather forecast changes dramatically in the night we should be setting off to Lanzarote soon. All being well it’ll take about 5 days and change. At the moment the forecast looks like fairly light winds, which means we may end up with a day or so of motoring, hopefully not more.


We use PredictWind for weather routing and forecasting in general, so far it’s been OK and it’ll be interesting to see how it does with an offshore route using satellite to download the forecasts.

Joining us for this little adventure is my dad, David, who has already proven his worth helping me with both boat repairs and playing with Teo while mom and dad went shopping. Being able to split the night watch into 3x four hour watches rather than 2x six hour watches will also make the whole experience more comfortable.

Finally, watch this space! We have satellite communications now so we should be able to post here, or at least to Facebook as we go. I’m not sure we’ll have the tracking page working before we leave, but hopefully a quick update is possible.



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